Inside Man

Filme visto na primeira fila, facto que veio acrescentar ainda mais velocidade e entusiasmo a um filme que apreciei bastante.
Excelentes actores e uma excelente interpretação, numa história não brilhante mas que entusiasma.
Sobre a banda sonora?! Não percebo o porquê da escolha de um tema indiano de Dil Se num roubo em Nova Iorque.. mas quando a oiço, não deixo de perceber que o efeito é surpreendente :)
Ficam algumas "quotes":
Dalton Russell: My name is Dalton Russell. Pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself.
Keith Frazier: Just let everyone stay calm, OK?
Dalton Russell: Don't I sound calm to you?
Keith Frazier: Yes, you do.
Madeliene White: Look detective, there are matters at stake here that are a little bit above your pay grade.
Keith Frazier: Why don't you just tell the mayor to raise my pay grade to the right level and problem solved.
Dalton Russell: I'm just saying, money can't buy love.
Keith Frazier: Thank you, bank robber!
Waiter: Excuse me Sir, do you have a reservation?
Keith Frazier: [walking past waiter] I have an appointment.
Waiter: May I take your hat?
Keith Frazier: No, get your own.
Keith Frazier: Don't say proposal, see, my girlfriend wants to get married.
Dalton Russell: What, you think you're too young to get married?
Keith Frazier: No, just too broke.
Dalton Russell: Do you love her?
Keith Frazier: Yes.
Dalton Russell: Then it shouldn't matter.
Dalton Russell: Soon I'm gonna be sucking down pina coladas in a hot tub with six girls named Amber and Tiffany.
Keith Frazier: No, it's more like in the shower with two guys named Jamal and Jesus.. and that thing you're sucking on? It's not a pina colada!
Textos de
Título: "Inside Man" - Infiltrado
Realizador: Spike Lee
Ano: 2006
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