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terça-feira, abril 18, 2006 

Ice Age 2: Meltdown

Fui ver este filme no passado sábado.
Achei-o fenomenal!

Boas gargalhada numa forma divertida de perceber o que nos espera :) e uma descoberta pessoal junto a uma árvore que me fez pensar no santuário do Quasimodo, que por estes dias li, e que penso mais tarde deixar aqui um excerto, pois é uma descrição que merece aqui ser partilhada.

Deixo-vos aqui uns excertos deste filme, para lembrar as gargalhadas ou aguçar o apetite ;)

Ellie: HEY! [Ellie falls out of the tree]
Manfred: [incredulous] You really think she's the girl for me?
Sid: Sure. She's tons of fun, and you're no fun at all. She, completes you.


Eddie: What if we're the last animals left alive? We'll have to repopulate the earth!
Crash: How are we supposed to do that? Everyone here is either a dude or our sister!


Sid: Manny, who do you like better, me or Diego?
Manfred: Diego. No contest.
Ellie: Manny, you can't pick favorites with your kids!
Manfred: He's not my kid. He's not even my dog. If my dog had a kid, and that kid had a pet, that would be Sid.
Sid: Manny, can I have a dog?
Manfred: No
Sid: Ellie, can I have a dog?
Ellie: Sure, sweetie.
Manfred: Ellie, we have to be consistent with them!


Ellie: What about me is attractive?
Manfred: Your... butt?
Ellie: What about it?
Manfred: It's huge!
Ellie: That is really sweet!


Sid: Campo de Sid.
Diego: Great. Now you're an idiot in TWO languages!


Sid: I Just did something involuntary...and messy.


Textos de http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0438097/quotes

Título: "ICE AGE 2: The Meltdown" - Idade do gelo 2
Realizador: Carlos Saldanha
Ano: 2006
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0438097/
Website: http://www.iceagemovie.com/

Recomendo vivamente!!

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