Scorm 2004 - 3rd Edition Public Draft

Já está disponível a nova versão do SCORM 2004, para estudo e comentários.
Deixo o comunicado da ADL:
"March 14, 2006
SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Public Draft is available for comment ending May 1, 2006.
The ADL Initiative announces the release of the SCORM 2004 Conformance Test Suite Version 2.0 Beta (Self Test), the SCORM 2004 Run-Time Environment Version 2.0 Beta and the SCORM 2004 Conformance Requirements Version 2.0 Draft.
The SCORM 2004 Conformance Test Suite Version 2.0 Beta (Self Test) is the beta implementation which tests Learning Management Systems (LMSs), Content Packages, Sharable Content Objects (SCOs) and Metadata XML instances for conformance to the SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Public Draft. The Conformance Test Suite is being made available in a Beta format to allow vendors to begin to test their products against SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Public Draft.
The SCORM 2004 Sample Run-Time Environment Version 2.0 Beta is a beta update to evolve with the changes reflected in SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Public Draft. Several other enhancements and features have also been added to the Sample Run-Time Environment.
The SCORM 2004 Conformance Requirements Version 2.0 Draft has been updated to reflect the changes made and found in SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Public Draft.
The purpose of these early releases is to allow:
- Organizations to begin testing their products in accordance with the SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Public Draft. This will assist organizations in measuring impacts to their current systems, plan for changes and begin to make updates.
- ADL to gather review comments and feedback on the products prior to the final release." Fonte
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